
CompactCath, A Triple Kills on Catheter User’s Pain points: Jason's Story

You have read our success story from Jason on social media. This article is going to dive deeper into Jason’s story in our narration. (As a medical device dedicated to urinary catheters.)

compactcath_no more uti problem

What is Neurogenic Bladder?

As we have briefly introduced in the article, a neurogenic bladder is a urinary condition that inhibits bladder control due to brain, muscle, or nerve damage. Jason’s nerve damage requires him to catheterize in order to maintain an empty bladder and prevent any complications such as UTIs.

The Unexpected Pain Point of Hydrophilic Catheters

clean your hand

In Jason’s feedback, he had tried to get along with the condition of the neurogenic bladder for two years but still couldn’t feel fully comfortable when using the conventional non-lubricated and hydrophilic catheters. 


”Many were too stiff, some causing pain, I couldn’t relax, and some would dry out with the water-based sterile lubricants making insertion and removal very painful. “ Jason said.


Jason wasn’t the only one having issues with hydrophilic catheters. Some of our users have reported that in their experience of using hydrophilic catheters, the sachet would sometimes be squeezed accidentally in their backpack. By the time users need to use the hydrophilic catheter, they find it has already dried out and made their backpack sticky. 


How do we solve this? Prelubrication! CompactCath is pre-lubricated with silicone oil, so you don’t need to worry about accidentally damaging the sachet. What’s more, you don’t need to wait for the water to activate a hydrophilic coating. The CompactCath is 100% ready to use.

The One-and-only Drainage Funnel Design

Another problem that has often been overlooked by most catheter designs is the drainage issue. When self-cathing, it is likely that the eyelet of the catheter gets stuck on the bladder wall and the “fluid” gushes out in a sudden stream before you can aim at the toilet. Spraying the fluid in your own bathroom might be easier to clean up, but this is a pain in the neck when this accident happens in a public restroom or a friend’s place.


“… the drainage funnel being held closed inside the case is wonderful for control over when and where you void. No longer are you surprised by fluid spraying out immediately when you reach your bladder.” 


CompactCath solves this pain point by giving its users unique drainage control that makes voiding easier than ever.

non touch catheter control

UTIs were Considerably Reduced 

Finally, UTIs. We have many articles talking about UTIs. They can be nightmarish for some users. In this article, we have discussed why the FDA suggests intermittent catheters be single-use only. However, the fact is, even when you always use a single-use intermittent catheter, the procedure of “proper sanitizing” is not always feasible in certain places like public restrooms, on airplanes,or when you are on the go all day.


Based on Jason’s own words, “Since switching to CompactCath I have not had a single UTI.”


Why? Theoretically speaking, CompactCath’s non-touch insertion gives users full protection from the catheter, warding off the possibility of contamination when self-cathing.

Summary: The Change Continues

In Jason’s story, we can see three main benefits CompactCath brings to our users. First, it’s discreet and portable, easily fitting in your pocket. You can take it with you anywhere without any awkward gazes and inquiries. Second, it’s more hygienic than common catheters, both internally and externally. The drainage funnel allows you to control the time and place to void. No longer are you surprised by the sudden rushing fluid when the catheter reaches your bladder. Furthermore, the non-touch insertion offers full protection from the surface of the catheter. You can feel safe and comfortable self-cathing if your in a place where you can’t sanitize your hands properly. 


If you are still hesitant about whether this new design can solve your problem, you are more than welcome to try our samples here. 

(Please note that this article is not and does not substitute formal medical advice. CompactCath catheters are not clinically proven to lower the risk of UTI, though CompactCath customers have self-reported fewer incidents of infections.)

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